
Iron Galaxy lanza primer parche para «DiveKick»



septiembre 5, 2013

Balanceo de dos botones


Así­ como suena, DiveKick se prepara a recibir su primer cambio (ya online en algunas zonas), el que ademas de incluir arreglines al sistema online y demases, incluye el primer «balanceo» a uno de los personajes raros: The Baz. Después del salto un copy/paste de los cambios del gameplay… como jugador de The Baz creo que los cambios están piolas, bajarle al Kickfactor y subirle la velocidad a la barra de especial es un equilibrio bastante deseable.

Esperemos el apoyo continué.

Gameplay Changes

The Baz – These changes were made to encourage more thoughtful play. Baz will have access to his moves more often, and making tactical choices with them will be much more meaningful now that, at best, Kickfactor gets you only one round.

Builds meter ~14% faster.
Kickfactor now ends if you get a kill with it and will not carry over to the next round.
Kickfactor is half a second shorter.
Two Kickfactor Baz players will now pass through each-other instead of a Double KO.


Baz stance has the same changes Baz has undergone.
Fixed a bug that was preventing Kenny from getting the correct speed bonus from his stance in Kickfactor after starting a new round with Kickfactor already enabled.

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